Thursday 26 May 2016

Work for Money or Work for Passion?

Work for Money or Work for Passion?

When we were in primary education, the most common essay exercise title would be "my ambition", "my dream", or something similar. As a kid, we were taught to dream and let our imagination run wild. We were taught by the teachers and parents about different occupations - teacher, postman, singer, fire fighter, doctor, artist, musician, astronomer, pilot, and many more different occupations. Life was full of possibilities.

Then, as we grow older, we were told that we should be working hard to achieve our dreams. We were told to study hard so that we could get a good grade. Schools taught us that we can only achieve our dreams by getting a good grade and get into the university and the course that we want. Make a living through working on things that you really love, your passion, so that you can be happy working and not feeling miserable, they said.

Everything was all so promising and exhilarating, that we could not wait to grow up and finish whatever academic study required to be the person that we dreamed to become as a kid, until the reality kicks in. When we were kids, we had the freedom to involve in whatever we like to do, because we do not have to worry about paying rents, our hire purchases, our credit card bills, our meals, telephone bills, and the list go on. As we grow up, commitments and responsibility comes to us gradually. We have a life to sustain, and bills to pay. With ever increasing living costs, it seems that the dreams we had could not provide us a living. This is especially true for those with family. It is no longer the issue of living a simple life. We have dependents to take care. We need to keep them warm, keep them comfortable, to pave road for our kid's future. Then we lost our direction.

Should we work for money or work for passion? Dreams appeared to be so far away. Is it still reachable?

Know Yourself
We are not born to just pay bills and die. We are all born with a purpose. Did you dream to be a doctor, or a fire fighter? What was your motive? to save lives? Now you are neither of both, but is there any other ways that you can save lives?

Find a quiet place, take 10 minutes to ask yourselves these questions, "all of us is going to perish one day, what would be my legacy? What would people associate me to after I die? If I have all the time and resources in this world to achieve one thing, what would it be?" Know your talents, know your strength and weakness, what you can do and what you cannot do.

Is There a Cheaper Alternative?For example, a person who wished to be a doctor to save lives, but he did not make it to medical school due to his results. He can save lives through other alternatives. He could be a counselor for suicide prevention. He could be a volunteer social worker to take care of the drug addicts, raise awareness campaign and donate syringe and condoms to them. Is he not saving lives? It may not be as direct as doctors saving patients, but he is preventing the spread of AIDS and it leads to the same results.

Set for Yourselves a Time Frame
Rome was not built in a day. It takes time to realize our dreams. We need planning and execution. and we need time. No matter how talented a person may be, the law of nature must be obeyed. All things in this world take time to grow, so as our plans. Focus on your talents and what you can do. Plan in stages and do things progressively, and soon you will be there.

But I am not making enough to sustain a living...
Then do something. We cannot be repeating the same thing day in and day out in our lives and expect different result. If you are thinking that working hard for a pay raise is going to change the situation, no that will not happen. Here is why. You need to learn how to allocate your income. You need a strategy for your financial planning. A good financial planning should involves saving, risk management, and investment. If you are waiting for a paycheck end of the month until you retire, you will be working for money all your life, like a rat racing in the rat wheel, it is a race of never ending. Without dream and life purposes, your will be a walking zombie, a cold machine work up to your last day. Please, do not let that happen. We are all born with a great purpose!

Learn to manage your money, then you can have the freedom to chase after your dream. None of us should work for money all our lives, once we make enough for living, it should be all about achieving dreams and making impact in the society. If you wish to learn how to invest and financial management knowledge, Follow and subscribe to us and we will share more knowledge in future!

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