Saturday 28 May 2016

8 Things You Need to Know When You Hit 21

Once we hit 21,

1.  We need to learn to take up responsibility. As a kid we didn't bother mess up things. We always have our adult behind our back. Now, you are an adult. You should learn to solve your own problem before seeking your parent's help. You need to understand as you are growing up, your parents are growing old. That means, you need to start to plan your own expenses. You need to start making you own money, and stop asking money from your parents. If you are still studying, you can take up part time job. Our parents may be our support, but not excuse for not trying and be in charge of our own life.

2. You should not spend beyond your means. If you have 1000 bucks, spend less than that. Many youngster today are left broke before the next payday. Worst is that they do not even work and spend lavishly. You should learn to manage the balance between you earning and your spending, especially when you are not born with a silver spoon. Even if your family is well to do, you still need to learn to manage the wealth pass down to you one day, or the wealth will perish.

3. Treasure the friends you made when you are in school. You spent 6-7 hours of your lift grow up with them. After you graduate, you may be busy with your further study and career, but do not give up contacting them.

4. It's time for us to be humble.  This is the time you learn about society. The school is a tutorial, the game of life just started the moment you leave school. The real world is like the ocean, and you were swimming in a pond when you were in school. Having a higher education does not mean you are better than others. There are still many life lessons to be learnt through life experiences. Be humble and take advise whenever you have adult who is willing to share their precious life experience with you.

5. Do not take social media too seriously. Live in the real world and not trapping yourselves in the virtual world. It does not matter how many "friends" you have in your Facebook account. What you need is real friend who you engage with personally. Adding your friend in your social media account is not an excuse not to asking him/her out and speak to him/her. Social media is a platform where most people share the best part of their lives. When you see people posting pictures of their cool rides nice watches, beautiful holiday and hi-tea, do not forget there are another side of their lives they did not show you -  the argument with their superiors, their ugly breakups, their credit card accounts, the sleepless nights they gone through to earn these, Don't use social media to compare lives. When you take it too seriously, you will live with bitterness. If you want to have a good life, work hard and earn it.

6. Call instead of SMS/Whatsapp. Compare how much message you can convey through calling vs when you send messages. No matter how fast you can type, you can't be faster than when you are speaking. On top of that, when you engage in verbal conversation, you are conveying emotions in your tone that texts lacks. How many people are actually laughing when you send "LOL" and actually rolling on the floor  when you send "ROFL"?

7. Your social media account is not your diary. You do not need to post everything you do and everywhere you go on your Facebook. You are making yourselves exposed and vulnerable.  If you really want to write a diary, keep it to yourselves. If you have something memorable, you can always document it on Facebook, but pay attention to your privacy setting. Beware of who you add on your social media. Stalkers and conman are everywhere nowadays. If you have something exciting to share or if you are having a bad day, speak to a real person. Do not take the "like" button to seriously. Do not be upset when people do not like your status or photo. It is not that you have 1000 people liking you even you have 1000 like clicks.  after all, it is just a click on the mouse, real friends will spend time and effort to talk to you instead.

8. It is time for you to start to plan for your future. Set a target for your life, and plan your way to achieve it. The target has to be measurable, attainable and with a time frame. Dream for a goal and then stop day dreaming. Start to execute your plan and progress towards your goal. "If you have no dream, your are no different from a salted fish"~ Stephen Chow, actor.

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