Tuesday 24 May 2016

7 Tips To Improve Your Productivity

Today, most people are struggling through the day in the office. It feels as if 24 hours per day is not enough for them to finish their work. They feel busy all day but at the end of the day, accomplish less than they thought. At the end of the day, they realized that they are not closer to their objective.

If you think that the above description is talking about you, the tips below are for you.

7 Tips to Improve Productivity

1. Sleep early. Staying up late will cost your your cognitive power the next day and leave you lethargic all day. When your brain cannot work fast, it is basically impossible for you to be productive.

2. Understand your goals. Without a proper goal, you will have no direction and take whatever task thrown at you. Learn to identify what is important to you and what is not. Always engage in activity that is related to your goal.

3. Plan your day ahead. List down  important tasks early in the morning, and reserve the best time of the day for these tasks when your are at your best condition. Many people spend their best time attending to unimportant errands and by the time they attend to what really matters, they are either out of time or gotten too tired to handle the real issues.

4. Learn to say No.  It is good to be kind and helpful. But you have to be able to help yourselves first before helping others. Know what you are capable of and the resources your have. If helping others would cause you deep trouble, maybe someone out there could help them better.

5. Schedule your time for social media. Social media can be very addictive. Once you start, you can never stop. Always schedule your time for social media and stop when the time is up. If you find yourselves totally unable to discipline yourselves, we recommend you to uninstall the social media apps on your phone. Without the logo and notifications to remind you every time you unlock your phone screen, you can be more focus to your task in hand and less time is wasted.

6. Take plenty of action. Some people just find it hard to start a new task or a project. Before starting a project, these people will be thinking all kind of possibilities and spend more time thinking whether to start this project or to do something else first. This is pure procrastination. A thousand miles starts with one step. Whatever you have to do, start first, and you will find ways to overcome the challenges arise.

7. Invest in a watch.  You need to keep yourself timed. There is no point making a schedule when you have no watch to ensure you complete your task in time. Making schedule is planning, completing your task in time is execution. A plan without execution is just a piece of paper.

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