Friday 20 May 2016

Wealth or Health?

Wealth or Health?

Some people says the answer is so straight forward - Health. But, remember, none of us want to come to this world to suffer. Living with a sick body is not pleasant, living a poor life where you are forced to work like a machine for the rest of your life, and not getting a chance to enjoy the abundant beauty of the world is not pleasant either.

Many young people striving for their own dreams are faced with this dilemma today. We work hard and get ourselves involved in so many things - work, networking, investment, society, clubs, relationships, part-time jobs, and worst of all, we only have 24 hours/ 7 days a week to do all those. It seems like time is never enough.

As young entrepreneurs today, there are so many competitions around us (this is especially true when you are not born with silver spoon), and the reality is shouting at us : " rest is a privilege, not an entitlement. If you want to be rich, you must offer something to the society. In this case, your have to give up your health." , "if you are born poor it is not your fault, but if you die poor, it is."

Now, you are being confronted by reality. "Yes, I know health is the most important, but i'm starving. I want to be successful. I want to make the most out of this world before I die. If i die mediocre, i might as well never born."

I believe many have come across this crossroad. Health vs Wealth.

Here is the idea, "why not both?"

Without health, you do not own wealth. Without wealth, you can't sustain health. Too much of wealth is bad for your health, and extremely health-concerned will discourage you from pursuing wealth too. There is a point called balancing both.

This, is why Bread and Butter is here today. We share ideas and tips to balance the both elements. We learn and we grow together. While you are learning about financial knowledge, we are sharing health related knowledge with you, reminding you remain healthy is the only way to create sustainable health. Your net worth is your score board, but don't forget your intangible assets as well. Your wisdom, health, goodwill etc counts too.

Subscribe now, and grow with us!

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