Friday 27 May 2016

When You Start To Doubt Yourself..

"Am I doing the right thing?"

"Things do not seems like it is working! Am I on the right track?"

"Why is it harder than I thought? Maybe I should just give up instead?"

As an entrepreneur, sometimes (well... actually many times) everything seems like it is out of plan. We may mess up things and situation may become out of control. The adrenaline rush and cold in the feet, is telling us that something is wrong. The business is growing slower than we planned, and we are running out of cash faster than we think.

Being an entrepreneur is exciting and fulfilling, but there are more time we are exhausted and lost. What keep us pushing on is our FAITH - believing in what we started. When we start to doubt ourselves, things may fall even further. It may be hard to stay cool when you are running out of cash and your marketing plan is not working, but doubting yourselves and wake up terrified every morning is not going to help the business either. To reverse the condition, we would have to keep trying, and take multiple approaches to tackle the problem.

Discuss your difficulties with someone experienced, see their advice. Sometimes we are out of idea and there is no point cracking our head further. Visit our peers and competitors who are successful, we may notice the reason behind your stagnation. However, wewill have to be observant to notice the little secret that they succeeded.

When you are in doubt and in fear, ask yourselves, "what was the reason I started all this?" Remind yourselves of the reason and motive that bring you where you are today. When there is a will, there is a way. If a once debt ridden company like Air Asia could be a leading budget aviation company in the country, what else is impossible?

Success is 99% failure. We have to find 99 ways things do not work until we accidentally bump into that single idea that work, and boom! Many successful people in the history has faced many failures in their lives. Colonel Sanders only founded KFC when he reached 62 years old. Before that, he has done many different jobs, including a conductor, blacksmith helper, laborer, fireman. lawyer, secretary, tires salesman, insurance agent, and many more. if he gave up trying at either one of his failure, we would not have KFC in our neighborhood today.

Always remember, we are not born to be ordinary. We are not a product from a manufacturing plant. Each of us is born to be different. While we live, keep on trying and bring the best out of us, so that we will not regret at the end of our lives!

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