Friday 21 August 2015

Most Important Things To Remember During Difficult Times

Most Important Things To Remember During Difficult Times

1. Remember the greatest law of universe - Everything is Cyclical. The sun, the Earth, the Moon, the season, the weather, the market, and even our life. The creator is reminding us that nothing last forever. Even the best moment in you life has come to past, so what make the worst moment last forever? Thing will come to past one day and time is our best healer.

2. Remember to draw a line between Past, Present, and Future. We live in the present. Nobody can change the past, nobody can predict the future.

3. Remember not to focus on things that we cannot change, but on things within our circle of influence.

4. Remember what you do today will not change anything in the past, but will definitely decide what to happen in the future.

5. Denial is not going to make anything better. Remember to acknowledge your feelings, learn to accept yourself, accept the circumstances.

6. Remember that everyone is so poor at remembering, nobody is going to remember your mistake.

7. Remember life short, every moment is worth appreciating. Not all is lost as long as we are still alive at THIS MOMENT.

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