Friday 21 August 2015

How To Sleep and Wake Up Refreshed

How to Sleep and Wake Up Refreshed

1. Avoid mental intense activity 1 hour before going to bed, and avoid heavy exercise 2 hours before sleep. Your brain and body will need some time to cool down before getting to rest, just like a car engine.

2. Avoid consuming stimulating food and drinks like chocolate, coffee and tea after evening. Alcohol is a no-no. Many people think that alcohol make people sleep better, ironically alcohol consumption will disrupt the REM stage of the sleep and make you feel sluggish when you wake up next day.

3. Milk have calming effect, but be reminded not to drink too much. half a glass is good enough. Your stomach need to rest too during sleep. Do not consume any solid food an hour before sleep.

4. Get yourself 15 minutes of quiet moment. Lay on your bed, do not do anything during that time. Close your eyes and take a few deep breath slowly. Focus on your breath. Count to 4 when you breath in, count to 6 when you breath out.

5. Bed is only for sleep. Do not do your work or reply email on your bed. You need to condition your body and mind that your bed is a sleeping place. Otherwise, your subconscious mind will  remind you about your work when you lay down on your bed.

6. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. A glass of warm water upon waking up will help you to wake up your organs. It is kinda like rebooting your system for the day.

7. If you could not finish your important task for the day, note down your to-do on a piece of paper and then forget about it. First thing you wake up next day is \check out the note, it will help you to set a target for the day and keep you awake.

8. Our body has a biological clock that needs "Tuning". Sleep and wake up at regular hour will help to improve sleep quality.

9. Switch off all unnecessary lights before you sleep. Light will disrupt melatonin production in our peneal gland, a specific hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

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