1. Efficiency and effectiveness may sound the same but they mean so much different.
2 The first one is quantifying, whereas the later one is qualifying.
3. Efficiency is about how many tasks one can finish within a stipulated time frame.Effectiveness is how close a person towards his objective.
4. For instance in a restaurant, if chef A can fry 100 eggs in 30 minutes while chef B can only fry 80 eggs in 30 minutes, chef A is considered more efficient than chef B. However, when chef B gets 70 happy customer after eating the eggs while chef A only get 60 happy customers, chef B is said to be more effective than chef A.
5. Nowadays many people are working under extreme pressure and forced to meet strict deadlines. We are consorted to achieving high efficiency the great amount of stress, which in turns sacrifices effectiveness.
6. But without a firm awareness and clear direction of where we are heading, we are doing nothing but like a blindfolded bull trampling around- a waste of our energy and resources.
7. Many of us gotten ourselves busy by taking up a lot of tasks and responsibilities, believing that the more we do, the better we gain. But is this always true? A bull plowed all his life, but he never get a single pence from the paddy field. Many people kept themselves busy, ended up building other people's dream.
8. The key to effectiveness here is being selective. Successful people learn how to say NO. While it can be true that by getting our selves involves in many activities and challenges may opens up a door to more opportunities, but one must always remember that everyone of us has a very limited resources. Time is our limiting factor.
9. How to select? Before we make decision, we must know very clearly what we want in life. setting a lifetime TARGET is like setting an anchor in life. We must know ourselves, and what we want so we have a direction in life. From there we decide when to say yes and no to the opportunities offered to us.
10. The next key word is RELEVANCE. Commit only on things that is relevant the target we set. Many people are feeling lost in modern days because we have been doing too many things that are irrelevant in our lives, which con-sequent into losing focus in life. We become lost in life and do not know what we want anymore. To avoid that, we must learn to say no to things that is irrelevant to our goals.
11. Remember, a busy person may not be a productive person. Our sense of fulfillment in life come from achieving what we want; and we must know what we want before we can achieve it. Be effective and do relevant things so we can progress in our life.