Tuesday 31 May 2016

Why You Should Never Stop Learning

Knowledge makes a humble person. The more a person knows, the more humble he is.

The more we learn, the better we understand the world. The better we understand the world, we will realize we actually know nothing about the world.

Fool thinks that he knows everything, the wise understand that he knows nothing.

Intelligent people speak, while wise people listen.

It is important that we must be humble and be ready to learn. Whenever we want to speak, give ourselves a good 3 seconds to observe what the other people have to say. Always let people finish their sentence before posting objection.

Steven Covey, the author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says that in order to be an effective person, we must seek to understand first, then to be understood.

Look at the cup below: 

How much more can you pour into the glass?

We must always empty ourselves everyday we wake up, no matter how much we learn the day before. We digest the knowledge and when we open our eyes the next day, we are hunger for new knowledge and keen to know and learn new things.

Imagine that you have a very precious experience that you want to share with a person, and he keeps on thinking that he has known it all. Whatever you tell him, he keeps on giving you objections before you even get to finish. He heard you but he never listened.

Imagine a millionaire has packed 3 gold bar in a box for his good friend who is poor as his birthday present. Unfortunately the friend told him that his house is already full and there is no more room to keep gifts. Without even opening the gift, he returned it to the millionaire friend. Would he enjoy the wealth his best friend has decided to share with him?

No matter how precious is the advise experienced veteran has to share with us, if we cannot humble ourselves, we gain nothing at the end of the day.

Knowledge is what transform the humanity and civilization. Knowledge is what changes a nation from third world country to a first world country,

The know-how of the manufacturing in the 1700s has brought transformations to the western countries including America and Europe. The economic underwent a huge boom and suddenly the western countries overtook China as the leading influential nations in the world.

Through the efforts of the early government post independents' effort to ensure every single Malaysian receive appropriate education, the newer generations now have better life than the baby boomers.

What do we attend the school for? Are we there to get a good grades and graduate with a good grade so that we can get a good, stable job until we retire?

Well that may be a remedy for some young people but definitely not me. I attend school and course to learn knowledge. I understand that knowledge has magical power to transform a person's life. When you are attending school, given homework, assignment or project at work, appreciate that opportunity to learn, opportunity to trial and error, opportunity to make mistake. Because that is how we learn.

It is impossible that we learn all the knowledge in the world. Not even genious like Albert Einstein can do that. But the more we know, the less we do not know.

This is an encouragement to all people, young and old, no matter what stage you are in your life, never stop learning!

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