Monday 28 May 2018

You Need to Know This Before You Invest In Property

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1. Property investment is a long term commitment.

Common Mistake

2. Not all property purchase are good investment. A good property investment make cash for you. You need to minus costs such as :

i) Bank Interests
ii) Maintenance Fees
iii) Quit Rent
iv) Assessment
v) Insurance
vi) Periodical repair
vii) Legal Fees
viii) Agent Fees
ix) Stamp Duties
xii) Title Transfer Fees

3. Alright. Don't be scared by the long list. Gone are the days when you can flip and make a fortune in property market. People no longer buy a property based on speculated news. Some people call this property market slowdown, I call it re-positioning and consolidation/normalization.

4. If you own a business, it has to give you income from time to time. When the income increase over the year, your business increase in value. This is why shares with higher dividend fetch better price - the same reason why you look for FD with higher interest.

Rule of Thumb

5. If your rental return is lower than the interest you pay to the bank and your ongoing maintenance, it is not a good investment. You could be betting for nearby amenities upgrade, but unless your get insider news, chances is that your seller has factored that in. If you rely on insider news, it's nothing official until it's announced. Your risk is high especially on high leverage investment like buying a property.

6. Running Airbnb is a good idea, but pay close attention to the location you choose and the matrix of the surrounding development. Your neighborhood might not welcome such activities and it might depreciate your property value. Property are bricks and mortars but each community is different. You should view them differently.

7. Do not jump in buying a property just because it is cheap. If the property generally remain cheap even after many years of vacant possession, check out the developer background and the property management issues. If the developer has bad reputation for delivering poor workmanship, your property might not appreciate for years to come.

8. Do not rush in to buy a secondhand property below market value. Hang around and investigate the immediate neighbor and look out for possible nuisance. Do check with property management, make sure there is no serious outstanding issues with the property. Buy a good property at market price is better than buying a problematic property below market price.

9. Buy a property like a property tenant. How much are you willing to pay to rent there? How convenient is this property if you are working nearby? How much can you afford to rent here, if you are working nearby? Ask these killer questions. One day, you need to answer that to your tenant. If your property is not rented out, you are making a bad investment. Now imagine your cash flow is stuck.

10. The above law is exceptional when you have holding power and you are offered a rare property in an island where land is limited, and the economy is improving that you see airport undergoing expansion, roads becoming wider, and more businesses is setting up. Buy and wait patiently for at least 6 to 10 years, then you will be heavily rewarded. Best is when you can find a property like that with a high rental value.

Easy Way Out

11. Do you know nowadays you no longer need to find tenant, collecting rentals, monitor your housekeeping contractors? It's very tiring. Are you aware that you no longer need to worry that your property management ruin your investment? You can invest in a property managed by 5-star hotel chain. Imagine you can sit back and relax, and watch the cash flowing into your bank statement rather than paying mortgage from your pocket and make banks richer. Be an intelligent investor, not a bank feeder.

12. Use that rentals collected to invest in another property like this, and keep the dollar ball rolling.

13. Now you get the idea? If you don't, read from point No.1 again.

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