Sunday 18 December 2016

The Power of WORD

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."  ~ John 1:1-5, KJV

The above is a quote from the bible, Gospel according to John. John mentioned about the word, GOD, creation, and mankind.

In many Abrahamic religions, GOD is the creator. In the above scripture, if we substitute GOD with "creator" & "creation", it will sound like this:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Creator, and the Word was Creator. The same was in the beginning with Creation.All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

In modern language, word, is a message, spoken or written. Each word carries a message. For example, when I say stop thinking of a purple apple, your mind already created the image of an apple in purple color, no matter you want it or not. That is the power of word, the power of creation. Every single word carries a message, and the massage creates an image/idea/concept in our mind, and thus creates the reality.

Our brain never process thoughts in words. We process thoughts by senses. For instance,

"Taking a sip of hot chocolate out of a yellow mug" will reminds you of the image of a yellow mug, the sweet and bitter taste of Chocolate, and also the feeling of the heat from chocolate touching your lips and radiating to your face, and the fragrance of cocoa.

Reality starts from IMAGINATION and VISUALIZATION.

Wright Brother imagined human flying on the sky like birds, that's how we have planes today.

Albert Einstein visualized himself travelling at the speed of light, and he discovered the General Relativity Theory.

" Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. " - Albert Einstein

You may be thinking, in that case, then imagination and visualization is the more powerful than word in this case, isn't it?  Why are you saying WORD is powerful?

Well, in this case, WORD and IMAGINATION are not a comparison, rather they are complementary. The result of imagination is IMAGE. We convey image through WORDS. Word is the medium of message conveyance, at the same time being a trigger of imagination. Word is the spark of flame, which the power to imagine being the fuel.

Therefore, watch the WORDS that come out from our mouth. Every word we say is a drop of water creating a ripple in the universe, first we suggested to ourselves of what we said, and then we suggested to the people around.

For example, when you say "I'm fat", you are convincing yourselves unconsciously that fat is what you are, and what you should be. Then it reaffirms yourselves that whenever you come across little decisions in your lives unconsciously, such as whether to eat that cookies or not, whether you should take the fitness course, should you skip that beer.

Change the word, to "I am getting fitter day by day", then you will unconsciously remind yourselves about your new identity When you come across that cookies, that fitness course, that beer, likely that you will make a different decision based on how you label yourselves.

Be mindful of our thoughts, because that's what creates the reality. Think of the things that we want in our lives, and less of the things we dislike.

Be thankful of what we have at the present moment, so it helps to attract the better things into our lives. Be grumpy of the shortcomings, then more undesired encounter will come to you. Always guard our thoughts, over anything on earth. Be alert and be mindful of what we suggest to ourselves, and the people around us. If we can master our thoughts and our words, then we will be wielding a powerful sword by it's grip; otherwise, we would be holding the blade against ourselves. Be wise!

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