Monday 13 June 2016

Modern Slavery, or is it modern? Wake Up People!!!

By: Noel H'ng

Feel tired of repeating the same routine everyday?

Wake up, breakfast, go to the office with the same old traffic jam, repeating the same task you did yesterday and days before, rushing to finish your lunch, then the tedious job again, and then is the same road home with same traffic jam every day. By the time you got home, you have found yourselves totally exhausted and yet you have lots of chores to be finished.

But life does not seems to have mercy on you.You cannot stop. You need to carry on this life. You seems to have no choice.

When you were little, you were told to study hard and have dreams. When you grow up you realized that was just a white lie by the adults. People literally work like cattle.

This, is modern slavery.

Look what capitalism society has done to us.

Human are born with souls, but today, we live like machines, walking corpses.

We used to think independently, and have opinions. Now, we are trained to be submissive, and follow systems. The society tells us that there must be a standard answer to everything, and there is a standard practice and solution to any question. Our mind are so much pinned to equations. If you are A, then you are B. If you owns a Bentley, then you are successful. If your size is bigger than other, then you are not beautiful. If you do not get straight A's, you are destined to fail. There are much more examples like this in our society, in our daily lives.

People are taught to judge with equations since we are small. We have so much "logic equations" in our brain, as if the more we have, the smarter we are. (here goes another equation)

Hey, ain't we a living person with soul? Our world, our mother nature is kind enough to have variety. We have so many different genres and species of animals. We have different kinds of weather. Our eyes are designed to differentiate 10 million different colours, and our ears 20khz of sound. Who to decide which colour is superior to another, and which sound is sweeter than another? Is there a definite answer to this?

People are just afraid to be different nowadays. 

When we have a different opinion, how many times we have kept it to ourselves just because we are afraid to be laughed at for being different? The world is driven by creativity and imagination. We have 9 times more humans on earth than we were 200 years ago, yet we do not have 9 times more great artist,scientist and philosopher today. The great men in the history are those who do not seems to like to follow the heard. These are people with souls. They are the minorities.

Are you going to attend school, work, retire, and die just like everyone else. are you going to declare your soul dead the moment you enter into the school?

You need to make a conscious decision. You have to ask yourselves, who you are and where you belong. Big cities are not better than small town. Young people, rushing to big cities to find their dreams ended up spending their lives to build other's dream. Beware of the temptations and lies of big cities. By moving to the big cities, you though you were making more, but you did not realize you are spending even more. You do not live the same quality of life you live in your little town in big cities.

This is nothing new. Nothing is new under the bright sun.

In the old days, Chinese ancestors came long way from China and believed that opportunities and gold was everywhere in Malaya Peninsular ended up became labors, miners, and slaves to the capitalist here. What they earned was hardly enough to treat their rumbling stomach and buy some decent clothes to cover themselves when night turn cold. They were not entitle to any welfare. They had a burning fire in their hearts, as they were taught as a kid, that working hard was a good value to upkeep, and there would be one day they could live a good life.  They had hopes in their eyes when they were newly here, and the hope slowly turned acceptance, and despair as they grew old and realized nothing had changed. What have changed before and after they came, was that the capitalist had grown richer than before.

Then you may ask, what about the famous rich and successful in those times? There are a number of them who were quite successful..

Well, there were some who were successful, but there were even more who died below average. Why is it so? They were taught to be accept the status quo and be submissive. They had chosen the common mode of living over the others. They believed that whatever written in the books and taught by their elders were surely right. What they had not realized was that their elders had not been more successful than them in lives. And for those who has succeed in lives, what makes you think that all of them sincerely shared their secret of success with you? They know so badly in their heart that the average men who are "aspired" to live a common lives are their assets. These are the people who they can exploit for more profits. They give advises and false hope to people by publishing books on how they become successful, "inspiring" people to follow "their steps". 

In a way, the capitalist are encouraging the average people to work harder and spend more, so that their capital can grow. They pay you thriftily so that you can spend and maintain the economy. At one point when you run out of money to spend, they encourage you to borrow future money. Then the market is lack of cash, the federal banks print more money, and you thought it is for you. The fact is the money eventually end up in the capitalist. The cycles goes on. Inflation is on the side of capitalist who own business and assets that grow with inflation. Poor wage earners, the make you false dream and eventually you enjoyed a sedative death in their sweet lies.

Now, wake up, and start to doubt. Be courageous to question the status quo, and beautiful lies about the world capitalist tries to portray to you. If you have observed the nature, life has never been beautiful. It is a world where the strong and mighty hunts on the tiny and vulnerable. Know what you want in life. If you want to enjoy life with dignity and with a living soul, know what to avoid - places that will lure you to spend more than you can afford and enslave you to work like a machine for the next 40 years until you die. Spend only on things that you need to stay alive and support your passion. If you want to conquer the world, and be like one of the capitalist, you need to really think out of the box. Think differently rather and blindly accept what the society has given to you. Do not be afraid to challenge the status quo, do not conform. do not resign to what has been provided!

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